Friday, March 14, 2014

My darlings

I can't even begin to describe the absolute joy my little ones bring me. They have such amazing little personalities (said every parent ever) that never quit. E has quite the sass and so much spunk. The other day I jokingly asked her if she wanted to stay home and let Elephant watch her, she replied "no he doesn't know the password to iTunes". Clearly a pre-requisite for babysitting. This child NEEDS new games for her iPad on a regular basis.

I've been trying to put together her summer wardrobe, in spite of thinking I'd already had it all ready to go. I had bought her some size 6 stuff for this summer last fall when it was on sale. My tiny mite just isn't even close to size 6, so I hopped online and bought her a few dresses along with a couple of skirts as she has plenty of tanks and tees for the summer. After purchasing them I showed E what I picked out, she was not impressed with one of the dress as it was not "beautiful". sigh.

I decided maybe a better option would be making her skirts since I bought her size 4t in hopes that they will fit around the waist, but will probably end up being pretty short. First off, I took a dress that I bought her a few years ago that never really fit despite alterations and is now far too short. I removed the straps and bow in front then voila she has a brand new skirt that is long enough to wear to school when it warms up.

Then I went through my fabric and found some scraps leftover from curtain making. I had enough to make her one more skirt.

I'm super happy with the way the second one turned out. I really want to make her a white maxi skirt but she insists it's not "beautiful", so I'll take her fabric shopping so I can be educated as to real beauty and fashion.

Mr N has been incredibly amazing lately. This evening we went for a walk after Daddy was done with work and he very emphatically told us how his dinosaur smashed his finger which made it hurt. I couldn't believe how easy it was to understand him. He was working so hard to get his words out to be understood. I'm so proud of him for all of his effort to speak.

Last night, I was lying in bed thinking about how frustrating it is that his speech hasn't progressed as rapidly as his other skills. I'm worried sick that he won't be ready for kindergarten for Fall 2015. We haven't heard whether he's been accepted into headstart, I'm anxious for him to have more time getting skills he needs to progress.

Despite being the little brother, Mr N is most assuredly the most considerate, kind, helpful little boy. He is so incredibly sweet, independent, self-sufficient and just amazing. He is so willing to help others out, at school he grabs the ketchup as soon as another child runs out, he wants to help them take their dishes to the kitchen when they are done eating, and he helps them clean up toys when they are done playing.

Mr N is super helpful at home, too. He puts his garbage in the trash can, he puts his dishes in the sink, scrapes his uneaten food in the trash, gets his own juice box or milk. This evening he wanted to play in the front yard but it was getting cool and dark; however, we couldn't get him to come in the house. Daddy said "mommy needs help" he came running, always willing to help. I have him a small chore, which he was only too happy to do.

We've been so blessed with our little man, he brings us indescribable joy. He is incredibly polite, always with the "thank you" and "yes sir" or to me "yes sir, mom". Going shopping is no longer a hassle, he doesn't get overwhelmed, he handles it very well, he's such a joy to take shopping now. I don't dread going for groceries, if we have multiple stops, he takes it in stride. The progress he's made is so promising.

And for a little Mr N gummy bear dinosaur play.....

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