Friday, November 2, 2012

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Daddy woke up not feeling well and spent the day working from home. Since Daddy was home I took advantage and took E to town for some mommy and daughter bonding time. We mostly went so we could get supplies to do a project from her High Five magazine.

We made several stops and had lunch together before heading home to do Art 101. It was kind of a messy art project. We tore wrapping paper into small pieces and adhered them to a clipboard. I'm not sure how practical of an idea it is, since it is impossible to make them all smooth, but that is hardly the point. E had a lot of fun and we will soon do the other side since it took forever to dry.

E and I cut up the pumpkin we picked up and put it in the oven to bake. We ran out of time to make pumpkin bread but it is on the agenda for today. She has not stopped asking to make it.

Mr N's EEG was scheduled for 10am this morning so we woke up the kiddos bright and early this morning for a 7am departure. Mr N was less than thrilled about being woken up and dressed so early. E handled the rude awakening a little better than he did but she did complain about wanting to stay in bed.

We arrived at the hospital about 40 minutes early, I went in and got him checked in while Daddy hung out in the car with the kids. Mr N is not a huge fan of waiting rooms and he typically starts into meltdown mode while waiting. This waiting room had a huge doll house so we took him in about 25 minutes prior to his appointment so he could play. Both of the kids loved the doll house and other available toys.

While waiting we could hear crying, which incidentally sounded like kittens meowing, as I was already nervous I just pretended they were indeed kittens and not a scared baby. I talked to another daddy in the hallway as I could hear his child screaming. He said his son is 4 and was getting the nodules removed and that it was about 10 times better than getting them attached. Things were looking progressively worse for my little boy.

They finally called us back to the torture room and Mr N was fine as long as he sat in one of the non-patient chairs. Once we laid him on the bed it was all over but the cryjng. It took about 45 minutes to attach all the nodules, she had told us to expect an hour to an hour and a half so I guess we should be pleased that it was only 45 minutes. I laid on the bed with Mr N and cuddled him the best I could and held him still, wiping away tears from both our eyes. Once the nodules were all attached she began wrapping his head to prevent him from pulling off the nodules.

I was able to pick him up and hold him while she finished hooking up and packing the reader and getting it tucked away into a mini backpack. He was still crying and trying to leave but he finally calmed down and laid his head on my chest. As much as I wanted to just hold him for hours I had to put him in his carseat so we could head home.  He calmed right down in the car and didn't pick at his head at all on the way home. I'm so proud of my brave little man. Thankfully Daddy kept a brave face and was once again my rock to lean on. I know it is not any easier for him than it is for me, he is just better at not letting the tears flow.

Mr N fell asleep about 30 minutes before we got home so now I am cuddling my precious baby and hoping he forgives me for today. We have to journal what he does today so they can have an idea if what he is doing while they read the EEG.


We head back to Sacramento for an 8:00 am appointment to have the nodules removed. It should only take fifteen minutes, so hopefully it is less stressful and tearful.

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