Thursday, January 31, 2013


First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of recent updates. I just struggle figuring our what to write about during our wait. But I have a few things to share!

1. I've been really wanting Mr N to count, I feel it's an important skill to have. He routinely counts along with me or sissy or with the Numbers Ahoy movie. But getting him to count his fingers or just say his numbers hasn't really been happening as much. Well last night laying in bed I was going to show him how to count my fingers but as soon as I said "one" he counted his fingers on one hand. He hasn't figured out how to do both hands. Today, he wanted something in the kitchen and he was waiting for me to get it and he was talking while I was getting whatever it was and when I handed it to him I realized he had just said "nine". I looked at daddy and he said "he just counted to nine". I was floored. I was so caught up in gettng him something that I didn't even notice he was counting. We laughed because we think he was showing his patience or impatience with me while I got him food.

2. Last night during meeting as I struggled to keep Mr N quiet and in my lap it dawned on me that meetings are really the only place he has troubles. Grocery shopping has become pretty normal and easy going (as long as friendly shoppers don't invade his space). I realized last night that it's possibly the length of the meeting that is causing him trouble. He typically does pretty well the first 20-30 minutes and sometimes longer. I think he can regulate himself pretty good for that amount of time then he starts to get overwhelmed, antsy and frustrated. I'm going to try a few different things at our upcoming meetings and see if we get some improvement.

3. I don't really have a 3 but you can't have a list of two. Katy called today, she is going to stop by tomorrow and return my book and pick up the therapy tools. I told her about Mr N's progress since she's been gone. She was excited to hear all of his forward progress. She was super impressed with his counting to 5. He didn't count to 9 until after I got off the phone with her, I can't wait to share that with her. I told about his improvement socially and verbally. His more frequent talking and pronouncing things. Sometimes I just don't think I pay enough attention then I realize he's said something so clear   He is also using different types of language. He is labeling, requesting, and I'm not sure how to describe the last one. But he will say phrases like "good morning", "wake up", or "let go". I wish I could think of more, I need to start writing down his words again to see where he is at verbally.

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