Thursday, August 15, 2013


I kept track of all of Mr N's words yesterday, I wrote down everything he said. Below is a list of some of the sentences and phrases that he used.

Get back here
Where are you?
Where'd he go?
Need help over here
I'm hopping
Here you go
Brush teeth
I'm going faster
Get down here
Good morning
He's stuck, how do you get him down?
I'm coming

In addition to those phrases he used about 50 words independently or in 2 word phrases. Obviously he has a bigger vocabulary than that. I may keep track today to see how many additional words and phrases he uses.

My goal is to determine what age he is at now verbally. The last evaluations we had put him at 12 months, but when I look at milestones for 18 month olds I'm certain he's beyond that and much closer to 2 years old. If we could get him caught up to 3 years old by next summer then I am confident we can get his speech on track before he starts kindergarten. If I am right and he has progressed a year in speech over the last 6 months, I am sure he can gain another year over the next 9 months.

It seems like the more words he strings together the easier it is to understand what he is saying. If he is just using one word it can be difficult to understand.  His more frequently used words are getting much clearer, like thank you, apple, daddy, sissy, honey, etc.

I'm so incredibly proud of my little man for all of the effort he puts forth to communicate. He will repeat things many times if I'm trying to get him to pronounce things correctly. For example, I was trying to get him to say "milk" correctly because it is very difficult to understand. It sounds like "nill" so I had him look at my mouth and pushed his lips together so he could make the "m" sound instead of "n". It seemed to help, but we never did get the "k" at the end.

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