Thursday, February 13, 2014


Little miss has been doing amazing in school. She's the top reader in her class, the book she brought home yesterday was a grade 3 reading level. She started reading chapter books and found a series she really likes. Her teacher is amazing, she set up a little program for E so whenever E reads a chapter in her book we write down what she learned and what she wonders about what will happen in the next chapter. Then we send the notebook to school where E gets a special reward.

At the beginning of the year E struggled with math, she wasn't behind per se but she wasn't near the top of her class. I volunteer in E's class twice a week for math centers so I get to see first hand where she stands in relation to her class. They also have testing 3 times a year. Her fall test scores put her barely ahead of the goal, her winter test scores put her exceedingly ahead of the goals for the spring test. She is definitely in the top 3rd of her class now based on my observations. There was an assignment they did one day in December and she really struggled with the concept, as did a good portion of her class. A couple of weeks later they had a similar assignment, she didn't even flinch, she had no problems with it at all. It's unbelievable how quickly she learns. I'm so incredibly proud of my little girl, she's a treasure.

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