I'll start with the less dramatic results from the IEP meeting yesterday. It's Mr N's 3 year review, they'll re-evaluate him across the board and determine his current needs. His speech is still significantly delayed, but after his new evaluation we'll know more where that stands. He has a lot of articulation issues, as well as something else that I don't remember. Super helpful, right? Sorry. His OT evaluation was just done in September so they may only redo parts of that. Then we discussed his OT needs, as he seems incredibly distracted and unfocused in the classroom during seat work; constantly requiring prompting to keep working. We discussed implementing some sensory options to help Mr N stay focused in the classroom, they give him gum during OT, so I sent a bucket of Double Bubble for his teacher to use to see if that helps. They are also going to hang some fabric below the lights to help lessen the blow of the fluorescent lights, it was mentioned that there are several classrooms they will trying this out to see if it helps out the kiddos since the entire classroom is on one bank of lights.
We then discussed an evaluation the school psychologist does that is very involved, but he said if we don't have concerns regarding his intelligence he can just focus on the areas where Mr N struggles and see if he can narrow down the deficit. Mr N's biggest struggle is writing, he is at age level in math and reading, which is nothing short of astounding.
Onto the missing child portion of today's program.....
School is dismissed at 3:15pm each day, when Daddy is out of town (which he is this week) the kiddos ride the bus to the after school program at the local rec center. At 3:35pm today I got a phone call from the rec center indicating E was the only child who arrived to the rec center and she was worried because Mr N was also supposed to be there. The coordinator calmly stated she'd call the bus barn to find out if he got on the wrong bus (at this point I realized she must not have kids because there was no panic in her voice).
I immediately called the school to see if there was any chance my baby boy was still there, they didn't have him but had seen him out by the pick up lane. The secretary said she'd call the bus drivers and call me back. I decided I couldn't wait around, I quickly raced home, to find my sweet boy in tears at home, terrified. I scooped my scared little boy up and never wanted to let him go. The secretary then called me back saying she has the wrong address on file, as she's seen us walking to/from school and knows we live across the street and she wants to run to the house to see if Mr N was there. I assured her that he was at home and I had him with me. Then, of course, I called the rec center back so they could stop looking, and they could assure E that her little brother was fine.
The entire ordeal from the first phone call to me, until I had him safe in my arms was less than 10 minutes, but it was an incredibly agonizing 10 minutes wondering where my sweet boy was located.
I asked Mr N when he started crying, as I was trying to figure out why he walked home alone, instead of looking for sissy or finding his teacher. He said "I walked in the house and said your name, but you didn't say mine then I started crying. I was 199 scared." 199 scared is the highest number of scared one can be, so this broke my heart a little more imagining my little man at home terrified and crying for 20+ minutes from when he got home from school until I got the call then home to get him. When I told E that I was so incredibly proud of her for being such a good big sister and telling someone that her brother wasn't where he was supposed to be, she said "I would do anything for my little brother."
Needless to say, I've talked to everyone regarding the plan for tomorrow as well as next week. The rec center knows both kids are scheduled to be there tomorrow; the secretary at the school knows they will be going to the after school program, she assured me she'll send him with a note; Mr N's teacher received an email so she can direct him to the correct bus after school tomorrow; and I've talked to both kids about where they are going after school tomorrow. We discussed what to do if they aren't sure, or can't find each other.
I'm incredibly emotionally exhausted and am missing my dear husband so much, 26 hours until he's back in my arms.
The kids wanted pizza for dinner tonight, so pizza is what they got. They could have asked for candy and I couldn't have refused. I'm so incredibly grateful they are both safe and sound at home. I'm off to do some hard core cuddling until bedtime.
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