Thursday, May 2, 2013


While our new life in Wyoming is fun and exciting, there are still many struggles. Mr N has not adjusted to the new congregation yet. The first Sunday we had to sit in the back room, which is a recipe for disaster. I will admit each meeting has gotten progressively better. Last night we spent about 20 minutes in the auditorium in our seats, then another 10 minutes standing at the back before heading out to the car. We didn't get to attempt a re-entry before we headed home.

We had a meet and greet with the development center last week where we went through a few questionnaires and they observed Mr N for a bit. Yesterday we had a more in depth evaluation, which didn't go super well. Mr N was not cooperating much at all. Most of the evaluation was done through another questionnaire. But he did do a couple of things for the lady. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. Will he actually do well here or will it be more struggles and frustrations?

He has been improving with his peer play when with his cousins. Mr N is spending more time actually engaging with his cousins and less time playing by himself in a separate room. However, he really needs to understand that he can't hit people when he gets frustrated and upset. He hit his sweet little cousin Ky the other day and it still bothers me. I want him to be appropriate, I don't want to worry about letting them play together, she's so little and tiny, I'm afraid he's going to break her sweet little self.

This morning we are heading out in the ministry for the first time here, I'm hoping that getting to know one or two people at a time will help Mr N warm up to them and be better at meetings. Now I must go wake the sleeping princess and finish getting ready for our morning. 

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