Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Coffee & compound sentences

I'm hoping to start blogging more frequently, I feel like I was better able to track Mr N's progress when I was blogging his daily accomplishments. Today I'd like to keep track of everything he says so I have a better grasp for where is his speech truly is at this point. His frequent use of full sentences has been impressive, for example yesterday he said "can you do this for me?" and "I hear something".  I'll post his list tomorrow and maybe try to dig up the last list I did for comparison. I think having something concrete to give to his speech therapist in a couple of weeks when therapy starts will be beneficial.

Yesterday we spent a few hours at the cousins' house playing, the kids all had missed each other when we were out of town. Mr N and K played together so well while the older three kids spent most of their time together.

After we arrived home from our day of playing and grocery getting we headed to a friends house for a kid party and dinner. The kids did some swimming, water balloon throwing then played inside for a bit. Mr N had a meltdown when we were eating dinner because he wanted to go inside and play. Daddy ended up taking him for a drive until he calmed down. When they returned he again played well with the other kids and had a good time.

I must wrap this up as Mr N is begging for his iPad.

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