Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sunday Travels

Sunday was our last day of traveling, we spent Saturday night in Sioux Falls then headed for home on Sunday. We had decided we should stop and do a couple of fun things on the way home. Our first stop was the Corn Palace in Mitchell, what an impressive place. We let the kids pick out souvenirs, E picked a snow globe and Mr N picked a car that in now way says anything about the corn palace, but it was his pick. The kids loved the corn grinder that removes the corn kernels from the ear, they did several ears then we moved the corn to the mill and ground it into corn meal. Super fun!

Once we were in the car Mr N noticed the snow globe and wanted to play with it. We talked to E about sharing, reminding her that Mr N shares his toys with her, hoping she would let him see the snow globe for a bit. She was convinced it was a good idea, but made Mr N say "snow globe" before she let him see it. Then proceeded to make him say snow globe every time he wanted to see it. You can't imagine how impressed Daddy and I were of our little girl.

During our drive the kids watched a few Baby Einstein videos, when Mr N would say the word, E would tell him he was doing a good job. She was such an amazing big sister coaching him, encouraging him and praising him. E is the best sister Mr N could ever have, we are so proud of her.

Our next big stop was at Wall Drug, we meandered around a bit choosing a few more souivenirs then hit the cafe for some pie (for Daddy) and ice cream. I don't remember Wall Drug being so busy last time I was there (17 years ago) but it was still fun to tour. The rest of our travels were pretty uneventful.

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