Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sick day

Yesterday the inevitable happened, E woke up sick with a sore throat and slight fever, very slight fever. I got her dressed and ready for school but she wouldn't eat. I had plans with my SIL to go shopping so Daddy said he'd keep an eye on her and take her to school if she started feeling better.

Mr N and I headed towards Costco with my SIL and nephews and nieces, once we arrived I saw that I'd missed a call from Daddy so I checked in with him, sadly E had been puking and wouldn't eat or drink anything. Since Costco is 2.5 hours from home we decided to get our shopping done since we were already there. This was Mr N's first trip to a Costco in well over a year, I was nervous, anxious and fearful. As well as equipped with his iPad, new cars, old cars, my phone and his cousins. To say he did great would be an understatement, my little man did a tremendous job at staying calm, being polite and courteous, and behaving. He played with his iPad for a while then shared it with his cousins, held onto his strawberries for a while then chose some Nilla wafers to hold. I'm still in shock by how much progress my baby has made.

On our return trip Daddy called again to say E had a few sips to drink but nothing to eat and couldn't hold down the ibuprofen he gave her. When we got home we did some cuddling, I showed her the books I bought her and she asked for something to eat. My little miss still has a fever but she was feeling better by bedtime last night and hasn't puked all day today. Hopefully she is well enough to attend school tomorrow.

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