Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bounding ahead

Today was Mr N's second day of playgroup, he did great! He was the first kid there and was a title curious when I dropped him off. When he started following me back out of the building I just said "your friends will be here in a few minutes, you can go ahead and play" he replied "okay" turned around and followed the therapists into the classroom.

I'm still astonished by his progress, no tantrums or meltdowns, he can reason and understand with very little effort, and he has no qualms about being dropped off at "school". When I returned to pick him up I inquired about longer and more frequent sessions. Starting next week they will start taking him to the preschool across the street to integrate him into bigger group activities. I have no doubt that he'll do great.

I'm still blown away by where he is now versus where he was a year ago, nine months ago and even six months ago. Not only his eagerness to go to "school" but his ability to function in so many social areas.

Saturday we went to the lake but it was raining so we returned home after an hour. On our way home we stopped at a sporting goods store and the  Walmart. As we were walking towards the checkout in Walmart Daddy turned to me and said "I can't believe we can go to the store and not have a meltdown from him". Just a few months ago we would dread shopping and avoid taking him as much as possible.

My heart soars as my baby grows in so many ways. His speech continues to improve weekly adding words to his vocabulary and improving his pronunciation   Today he said dinosaur for the first time and it was super clear and discernible. I'm so proud of my little guy, the next year will certainly show us more progress than we imagined.

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