Saturday, January 19, 2013


I promise you will never find a child more cuddley than Mr N, he is the best cuddler. He so soft and squishy and cuddley. He is so sweet and beautiful. Lately Mr N and E have been engaging in a ton of imaginative play together, I love it when he is sweet to her. He doesn't seem to be in his own little world anymore, he is right here with us a majority of the time.

E has discovered the handiness of having a strong man around the house and frequently asks Mr N to help her with things that are too heavy. It's absolutely adorable seeing him lug some heavy thing around for his sissy. E has been quite loving towards Mr N lately, too. She will cuddle him in the couch and scooch up close to him. They are both much better about giving each other hugs and kisses, not just when apologizing.

It's like a few baby steps have us so much further down the road. I love any progress at this point, I'm anxious to see how he will do with some speech therapy. The one thing I've been fighting to get for over a year. I'm tired of waiting.

I saw this article the other day, I was surprised and so happy to see that there are still some decent people out there. I've read a few gazillion stories of special needs kids being ridiculed, bullied, abused, refused service, etc. so reading a story in their favor was heart warming. Our special littles need people to stick up for them, they are humans, they deserve respect and dignity, just like every one else. They are amazing, beautiful people with so much to offer, more people need to recognize these precious gifts.

I am so incredibly grateful for my beautiful little family, I never thought I'd be so blessed.

Disclaimer: cuddley is not a real word

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