Thursday, January 24, 2013

McCranky Pants

There are good days and there are bad days. Today is a bad day. Mr N has been a cranky pants since the minute he woke up. He woke up fussing and clingy, he didn't want breakfast, he just wanted to fuss. After getting him settled down with some water I hit the shower, only to be greeted coming out of the shower to more crankiness. The crankiness finally subsided after lunch, but not before putting me on edge. How could such a small child possess so much cranky?

He has been pretty happy and content for the last hour, I'm de-stressed and relaxed now, but still anticipating more cranky. Now that I'm not frustrated trying to figure out how to make the screaming and crying stop, I wonder what caused the turmoil today? I checked his temperature, checked his lymph nodes, changed his diaper, offered a variety of foods and drinks, gave hugs and cuddles to no avail. Does he hurt? Is it his tummy? I wish I had the answers, I wish I had the cure. I wish I had more patience when he is acting like that. Once again, I'd like to have an easy button.

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