Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Morning

Yesterday morning Mr N said "good morning" when he first woke up, I thought I might have imagined it. This morning, the same thing happened, he woke up and said "good morning" to me then patted me on the head and said "wake up, wake up".

We attempted an art project that ended a wee bit messy, apparently seeing an idea on pinterest six months ago does not qualify one to actually do the project. I will have to look it up and start again, up until things got messy the kids thought it was great fun, though.

The kids spent hours yesterday shredding a roll of wrapping paper, who knew that could be so entertaining? It was nice that they were busy for a while so I could get some stuff done. Picking up 6 billion tiny pieces of wrapping paper, on the other hand, wasn't quite as nice, but they were good little helpers and assisted in the clean up.

I got a call from the school psychologist on Wednesday, he met with the superintendent at the preschool and said he would present it to the board. The board meeting was Thursday, Friday the psychologist planned to visit the school to see what he had to work with. I expect to hear back early next week. Hopefully Mr N will soon begin receiving services. I'm still quite nervous about the thought of him going to school, but we will see how it goes. 

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