Saturday, February 9, 2013

IEP Cancelled

Yesterday we had an IEP scheduled for 10:30am, which was cancelled promptly at 10:17am. They like to give plenty of advance warning when there is a cancellation so you don't completely rearrange your schedule to accommodate the request. [That is what we call sarcasm.]

During the cancellation phone call, the school psychologist said that he would like Mr N to start receiving in home services until the program at the local school is set up. The agency should be calling me to set up the services with a start date of February 19. Based on previous experience with the company, I will expect our first phone call on the 19th and services scheduled to begin in March. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but reality is easier to accept than blind optimism with nothing to base it on.

If you ever have checked out and looked through the list of best/worst places to live if you have a child with Autism, you'll see California high on the list of worst places. This does not come as a surprise to me. Undertrained people providing partial services with large gaps of service does not bode well for their reputation. I happily expressed my dissatisfaction on the lengthy survey they requested we complete.

Potty training is still underway. I'm pretty sure that I'll be receiving a gold star later today signifying my great accomplishments. Four days of diaper free living, and I haven't given up. That is gold star worthy by all accounts. But seriously, he's doing great, aside from a few accidents. He requests to use the potty and has even worn his undies.

Since I'm sure my post won't show the exact time I posted, I'll go ahead and tell you, it is 5:37am right now. The sun is not up at all, it's quite dark actually. I guess my body has given up on sleeping, even though the contract states that the sleeping schedule can not be changed, altered or in any way adjusted without my written, notarized consent. I did not consent to waking up at 3:00am.

Please note, my lack of sleep explanation was to excuse away the mindless ramblings above and below. Oh did you think I was going to stop typing now?

Thursday we went to Sonora for our weekly grocery shopping (we gave up on the monthly shopping in Modesto as it was so exhausting no one likes Modesto). On our way we met up with Katee to return the toys and such that were left at our house when therapy ended the beginning of December. Mr N was happy to see her and insisted on getting out of the car to say hello. Our shopping trip was quite uneventful, we returned home and had lunch then the kids started playing. That ended abruptly when E mashed her face into the wall resulting in a busted lip and lacerated gums above her two top right teeth. We quickly loaded back up and headed back to Sonora to the dentist for an emergency exam. Her gums looked pretty rough and I couldn't tell how bad her teeth were injured. E did great, she had a couple of x-rays done, then an exam by the dentist. She was brave and not scared at all, I was quite relieved. Daddy met us there to assist since doctor's offices are typically meltdown city. But Mr N fell asleep on our way there and slept the entire time.

While at the dentist office we scheduled regular checkups for the kids for a couple of weeks later. It's a super kid friendly dentist office, so I'm hoping that Mr N can relax and get examined.

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