Friday, February 22, 2013


It's not my thing. I am not good at it, I do not like it. I want it and I want it now. Okay okay, I'm not that impatient but when waiting is producing negative results, then my patience grows thinner each day. As my wise mother texted me "have a drink and trust in God", so wise that one.

I get that suggesting patience is supposed to be encouraging and supportive but it is so hard to be patient when each day without services for Mr N is one day further delayed. How can I be patient when my baby is falling further and further behind one day at a time?

He qualified for speech therapy a year ago, but that never happened. Even if he only progressed by 6 months in the last year that would be 6 months further than he is now. But nope, instead he is 2 years delayed at this point. How much further do we let him fall behind before we do something drastic? I can't take this!

I got a call from the school today that they can squeeze an IEP in on the 27th at 1:30 for Mr N. Of course, we aren't able to make that time/date work and they didn't call back before the end of he day. So next week I'm sure they will try to reschedule for the following week. There is three months of school left, once again I get the feeling they are trying to procrastinate long enough that they don't have to do anything for this year. Saves the school money not having an extra kiddo to provide services for this year. I mean the regional center successfully avoided providing speech therapy for an entire year so they could push it off on the school. I'm starting to understand why so many parents have to literally sue the school district to get services for their child.

What the hello kitty is wrong with these programs that they don't realize that the more money and services they provide at a younger age the less programs they will need to fund later? Isn't that the point of early intervention? It is the key to success. If you have a 2 year old that is 6 months delayed, then getting the right services and he/she will be on track by the time they are 4 or 5. But they seem to think it is better to deny services and only provide the minimum so that by the time they are 4 or 5 they are so severely delayed that they will require additional services all the way through grade school and into junior high. And really if they aren't on track by junior high, there can't be much hope that they will be on track for high school and will continue to need additional help. There is little surprise that there are so many programs for adult services when the early intervention programs are so severely lacking. Do they not see the correlation?

In case you haven't figured it out, I've lost my patience, I'm pissed off and ready to rumble. Douchebag McGee should be glad he didn't return my call today, because I probably would have unloaded on him.

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