Thursday, July 25, 2013

Clowns, camping and cars

Since my blogging has been sporadic at best, I thought I'd share some of our summer experiences.

A few weeks ago we took the kids to their first circus. We never know how Mr N will react to new things, especially when it comes to crowds. We arrived a bit before it started and E got her face painted, while Daddy took Mr N to say hello to the elephants and ponies. By the time we were ready to sit down for the circus to start Mr N was done and wanting to leave. Arriving as it started would have been a better plan in retrospect.

Daddy got him calmed down and brought him to our seats, he played with his cars for a while until things started picking up. Then the clowns came out.....I've never seen Mr N laugh so hard for so long in my life. He thought the clowns were hysterical (they were likely the lamest clowns in the history of clowns) and could not get enough of them.

Over the 4th of July weekend we went camping with my brother and his family, as well as a few of their friends. We ended up getting rained on several times throughout the weekend, but still got some fishing, hiking and off roading squeezed in between rain showers. There were 10 kiddos camping with our group which gave Mr N lots of socialization opportunities. He played really well with the other kids and displayed some amazing peer interaction with his cousin.

A couple of the families had 4 wheelers, which Mr N thought were enticing. He would climb up and just sit and pretend to drive. On the last day we were there he got to go for a ride up the road, he loved it. I'm so proud of him for trying new things and being more comfortable around new people. My heart soars watching him grow.

His latest obsession is cars, mostly matchbox cars, but he really likes any and all cars. We've collected cars over the last several months but since a few accompany us everywhere we go they don't all make it back home. Daddy decided we should just buy some from ebay since they sell them in lots of 100. The package came with each car individually wrapped in tissue. Mr N's face was full of excitement and wonder as he unwrapped each car. Of course, he can never decide which car to play with now so he has to dump them ALL out and play with them all simultaneously, which means we have over 100 cars on the floor at all times. Thankfully only a few make it downstairs at a time the rest are in his bedroom.

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