Thursday, July 25, 2013

Keeping up

I just discovered this post didn't disappear. This is from a few weeks ago.

I'm 87.3% sure that my last 10 posts have started with an apology about not being able to keep up with my blog. Again, I'm sorry.

We recently purchased a house which has absorbed most of my time. I've been busy patching and painting walls, filling, sanding, scrubbing and painting trim then spending our weekends in the great outdoors. The kids rooms are painted as well as the foyer area outside of their rooms, once I do the bathroom the upstairs will be completely painted. Next step, furniture. My plan (probably foolish and will be scrapped due to time constraints) is to build them both platform beds. Surely it can't be that hard, right? It will be like building my planter boxes but with plywood on top.....what could go wrong?

Amidst the painting, cleaning and unpacking we've had a couple of meetings with the development center. We had another evaluation for Mr N which went very well, it was done at our house and he opened up and showed off his awesomeness. Then we had a meeting discussing our goals and plans for him. Since their extended school year services are a bit limited and he has cousins to socialize with, it was decided that we will wait to start his services when school starts. He will be receiving speech, OT and general therapies which will take place at a combination of the development center, preschool and our home. I'm super excited about how flexible and willing to work with Mr N specifically to ensure his needs are met.

Mr N's speech has progressed exponentially, I'm certain that I've commented on it in every post recently but every day he surprises us with his quickly increasing vocabulary. His sentences are becoming longer and more frequent. Some give us a giggle as he will say "did you hear me?" and "let's get out of here" while his manners are becoming stronger, saying "thank you" much clearer and unprompted much of the time.

Recently he has began to sing, sometimes he even makes up songs, he sang a song about shoes the other day and sang twinkle twinkle little start with sissy. He tries new things, like yesterday he was determined to see if he could pee between the railings on the deck, he succeeded. Living in town will take some adjusting as wearing clothes outside wasn't a priority when we lived on 5 acres in a forest. Our summertime nudist days are over which of course means more laundry.

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