Saturday, July 20, 2013

Catching Up

I know it's been about a month since my last post, and I sincerely apologize. Using the iPad to blog just doesn't work well and the last post I made disappeared.

 Mr N has made such remarkable progress since we've been here it has been astounding. My brother has commented that he can see an improvement in his social skills in the last four months. His speech has improved drastically, not only increasing his number of words, but the pronouncing of words has also improved. "Thank you" is not a new word for Mr N, he's been using it for well over a year but it sounded nothing like "thank you" until the last month or so. Now when he says "thank you" even a stranger can understand him, it's glorious. He is getting very good at saying please, thank you, excuse me and you're welcome without prompting.

When we had Mr N's evaluation about a month ago they asked about stringing words together, at the time he was only stringing about 3 words together occasionally. Now he is stringing 5-6 words together much more frequently. We have been very impressed by his progress recently and look forward to seeing more of it. Since he has made such rapid progress we decided (the development center and us) that we would wait to start therapy at the beginning of the school year instead of starting him in the extended school year program. I'm super excited about his IEP and the way it is written. They left a lot of room for flexibility and expanding goals. I have no doubt that his progress will only continue.

E will be starting Kindergarten next month and couldn't be more excited, she plays Reading Eggs every day because she is determined to be the smartest kid in her class. We've bought all of her school supplies aside from a backpack and she is thrilled to be starting school. She loves to use catch phrases such as "it's hot as a whistle" or "I'm razing mad". She does not use them correctly 90% of the time which makes it even cuter.

I have to go finish putting in my flower garden so I'll keep this short. I will try to sneak on Daddy's computer more often to update.


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