Monday, October 14, 2013

Social Butterfly

Nearly a month has passed since my last post, I thought I'd have thoughts to share daily. Having Mr N go to therapy outside the home does have drawbacks, since I'm unable to observe and document his progress during therapy.

Mr N started off having therapy in a playgroup once a week for an hour, after a couple of weeks they added an hour a week of him joining the preschool for their activities. The first week at the preschool it took much persuading to coax him inside from the playground. On week two they started him out inside with the other kids and he did great. His therapist said he seemed a little overwhelmed a few times with the larger group of kids but he didn't have any meltdowns.

His speech is still improving, his speech therapist said he will repeat just about anything they ask him to say. His new favorite word is "fire" possibly because E brought home a bunch of fire related stuff last week as it was Fire Prevention Week, she had fire fighters visit the school and hand out goodie bags then they made fire truck treats out of crackers. The way Mr N says "fire" is super cute, he many times is referring to his fire truck but just says fire. For example, he'll yell "fire, fire" pointing upstairs to his room because he was playing with his fire trucks. As you might imagine, we are trying to get him to say "fire truck" when applicable. Yesterday afternoon we went for a drive over the mountains, on our drive home we were behind a snow plow that had flashing lights; Mr N kept saying fire while E insisted that it was a tractor. After many explanations to both kids that it was, in fact, a snow plow and not a tractor or fire truck, they both said okay then continued saying "tractor" and "fire".

Yesterday, after meeting we were visiting with friends when we noticed that Mr N was approaching everyone saying "hi" making the rounds several times, then returning to his friends for a few minutes.  It was amazing to see him being so social, he shared his fire truck with one of his friends and hugged one of my friends without reservation. Daddy and I laughed with amazement at how far he has come socially. I thought this budding new personality trait may just be a fluke, yet today we were at the grocery store and Mr N proceeded to greet everyone whose path we crossed, showing his dinosaurs, talking to them and introducing me.

My heart is full of happy.

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