Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"I don't wanna"

Mr N has been showing a streak of stubbornness. He doesn't want to stop what he's doing to go somewhere. This morning he didn't want to stop playing with the dinosaurs to get dressed, then he didn't want to brush his teeth, when it was time to go to therapy he didn't want to stop playing with his iPad. Forcing him dressed has never been an easy task, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult the older (and larger) he gets. Thankfully the fight to get dressed isn't a daily or even a weekly battle, but when the battle is fought I struggle to win.

Eating has always been an issue for Mr N, but weight has not. He has always had a healthy weight and height, sticking to his growth curve. He tipped the scales to 39.6 recently which made me understand why the struggling to get him dressed has becoming more of a challenge. His eating seems to have improved over the recent months, maybe not the variety but he will eat apples, strawberries, and bananas pretty consistently every day. He still loves his french toast bread, fruit loops, ramen noodles and fruit snacks, which is basically the range of his diet. Occasionally he will eat pizza and chicken nuggets but only when the mood strikes him or if he is really hungry.

Mr N has a well child check coming up in a few weeks, I'm anxious to see how he deals with that. Having a new pediatrician in a new office could go either way, a meltdown or no big deal. I'm hoping it goes well but expecting meltdown city. He also has a dentist appointment in coming weeks that gives me the same cause for concern. I'm fervently hoping that his recent behavior towards school, therapy, friends and other social activities will carry on into the doctors offices.

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