Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Story Time

I've been trying to figure out a few more activities throughout the week for Mr N that will help him adapt socially. Yesterday I took E to the library to check out some chapter books and while we were there I found out they have story time on Thursdays. So I'm going to add that to our weekly schedule and see how Mr N does. He does good with story time at therapy when they do puppets and interact with the kiddos, which they do at story time at the library. So I'm super excited to see how he does. I'm planning on starting the week after Halloween since the next two weeks are Halloween stories.

While my goal at the library was to introduce E to chapter books, we failed miserably. Miss E thinks that books needs colored pictures, finding books with pencil sketches wasn't good enough. While I understand it must be frustrating to still be intrigued by colored pictures, her reading level is to where she needs to be in chapter books. So we left with one chapter book that I'll read to her, an advanced book that she can read and two easy readers that she wanted to read to Mr N.

Mr N has began saying "yes sir" the last few days, pretty much anytime he's willing to comply with what he's instructed. I've been trying to correct him when he's speaking to me, so he'll say "yes ma'am" to me and "yes sir" to Daddy. We will get there, it took a bit for E to figure it out, too.

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