Thursday, November 21, 2013


We've been battling what seems to be a never ending cycle of colds, sinus infections and pink eye resulting in missing school for both kiddos. Not to mention being cooped up in the house for days on end.

The most frustrating part is that Mr N doesn't ever cough up his phlegm so when he goes to sleep at night he starts coughing and coughing and coughing until he pukes. Our solution was to give him Benadryl to help dry up the phlegm to avoid the puking. Initially it worked, we'd fight him to take the medicine and he'd maybe get half of his tiny little dose down, but it still seemed to do the trick. By fight him I mean one of us hold him down and the other hold his head still and squire the medicine in his mouth. Only the last 3 times we've attempted to give him medicine he starts coughing and coughing and coughing until he pukes. So we've gone from trying to help him to forcing him to puke before he goes to bed. I just want my baby to feel better.

Is there really no better means of giving little ones medicine? Meltaways are only for children over the age of 6 and 48 pounds, so tylenol, motrin, ibuprofen are not even considered for Mr N anymore, we just try to keep his fever down and let it run it's course.

I'm exhausted from the sleepless nights and coughing kiddos. I'm really hoping next winter is kinder to us.

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