Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Day

We've all been sick which resulted in Mr N missing both days of therapy last week. Today was his first day back, he woke up cranky, which is never a good start to the day. First thing I told him was that he had school today and surprisingly that seemed to cheer him up. I reminded him several times throughout the morning that he had school today to which he responded with joy.

When we arrived at the preschool he literally ran to the front door, once we got inside he ran to his teacher and didn't look back. I thought that having missed last week that he would struggle today, but when I returned to pick him up his teacher informed me that Mr N had done amazing today. In the last few months the longest duration that he's participated in story time has been one minute. Today, Mr N was doing something when they started story time, when he saw all of the other kids sit down, he joined them, then accompanied them in all of the movements, as well. Fifteen minutes of continual participation in story time is progress of epic proportions.

I'm astonished by his progress and growth, overjoyed. Once story time ended he got in line with all of the other kiddos to wash his hands before lunch. I simply cannot believe my amazing little boy.

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