Sunday, November 3, 2013

Success is ours!

The last few weeks meetings have been rough. We've arrived after the meeting has started but were unable to sit in the auditorium and had to sit in the back room. This does not bode well for Mr N. Today I decided we should try another technique, E and I got to meeting early so we could get seats in the auditorium, then Daddy and Mr N came after meeting started. It was a success, he stayed at the seats until the last 15 minutes. It was such a great day for him!

His behavior was so good during meeting several people commented on it afterwards. I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of taking two cars prior to today. 

Last night with the time change we let the kiddos stay up a bit later than usual, but when the time came Mr N did not want to go to bed. After several attempts to get him to lay down, I let him crawl up in my lap, then rocked him to sleep. It was so sweet and wonderful to rock my baby to sleep, I rocked him, held him, and cuddled him even after he fell asleep until I was ready to go to bed. He stayed in his bed most of the night, but crawled into bed with Mommy and Daddy at some point.

I'd mentioned previously that I was planning to make platform beds for the minions, but as weeks turned into months my projects have only increased. As a result, I bought metal bed frames for their beds and will either make or pickup headboards for them at some point.

After months of procrastination I finally finished up the curtains for the master bedroom, as well as painted it and all of the trim. We are just waiting for the curtain rods to arrive so I can hang the curtains. This prompted me to also purchase a bed frame for our bed, which also motivated me to make a headboard. We picked up materials for the headboard yesterday and started it. I hope to finish most of it today, but again we won't be able to put it together until the bed frame arrives later this week. Among other projects, I picked up a couple of retro end tables to redo and use as nightstands. Our current nightstand will move into office to provide a more stable location for the printer while giving us more organization and storage space.

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