Much of Mr N's therapy focuses on teaching him to imitate. Normal functioning children naturally imitate everyone around them, they imitate their parents (ever hear a 3 year old properly execute a 4 letter word?), other kids, and they imitate what they see on TV. Children with Autism don't naturally imitate others, therapy focuses on teaching them to imitate sounds, facial expressions, playing, etc. Mr N is very lucky to have a big sister, she is vital to his progress. Mr N has really stepped up the imitation recently, he loves copying his big sister. While it's overwhelmingly cute to see him copy what she is doing, it's awesome to watch him knowing that him imitating her is progress and is profound.
If you read "The Black Cat" post you'll remember we recently got E a new stuffed cat, his name is Black and White. Mr N saw how much she loved Black and White and tries to take it from sissy and carry it around. We don't have another black and white cat, but we do have a black and white cow, it makes a great substitute. Mr N takes Mooly with him everywhere, just like E takes Black and White everywhere. If E is holding Black and White in the car, Mr N is holding Mooly. This is the first stuffed animal that Mr N has ever really been super interested in, it's so fun to watch.
Mr N has been a poor eater since the regression started, he is getting better, but still isn't great. If E eats, Mr N eats, he wants what she's having, he sits next to her, sometimes he actually eats it, other times he'll just sit there with his plate and wait for her to get done.
He's imitating us more and more, he'll imitate sounds that we make, he waves, blows kisses, claps, does high five, and fist bumps. Getting that response from him is such an amazing feeling.
In therapy today Mr N spent almost the entire time with his teacher, he came to look for me a few times, but she got lots of great stuff from him today. She had a CD with some great kids songs on it that she played and it teaches body parts and more imitating. There are specific programs that he is supposed to master before moving on, things that Mr N hasn't done yet. Today his therapist said something along the lines of who cares if he's mastering those things, the things he is doing is much better. I agree. He may not be saying "ma, mo, mi, mu, da do, di, du" but he is saying "mama, milk, help, hold, up, down, cat, cow, meow". He is also starting to string words together "a cat, a cow, no more".
What started as baby steps for my little guy now is turning into giant leaps.
I'm sitting here trying to finish up this entry but having a hard time staying focused, Mr N has his puppet blanket and is roaring like the bear. His bear gets his tummy, it kisses him, it roars at him, the sounds of his laughter as the bear chews on his tummy make my heart happy.
This post makes me super happy :) Amazing Amazing Amazing!!