Monday, May 28, 2012


Friday Daddy worked from home to avoid the weekend traffic. Again, I was concerned that Mr N wouldn't stay focused during therapy, that he wouldn't have any great breakthroughs since he's had so many great days in the last week.

Surprise! Mr N broke his 26 minute record of alone time with the therapist. He spent over an hour working one on one with his therapist. She was working with him outside and they had gone down the driveway, he was so engrossed in what they were doing that she had to say "let's go find Mommy" to get him to come back up to the house. Astonishing! I can't believe that my little guy is making such great strides!

At meeting on Sunday several people mentioned how much of a difference they can tell in Mr N. He's talking so much more, he doesn't mind when people touch him, his willingness to run around and play with other children. I know I see these things because I feel like I'm constantly watching and paying attention to every single thing he does, constantly evaluating his progress. But to have other people notice his progress? It's such a great feeling. I'm so proud of him!


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