My little miss who I desperately worry is not getting enough Mommy time, isn't getting enough attention, enough stimulation, isn't going to be a well rounded happy kid; is absolutely precious. She is so smart, has the best memory, she remembers things from months and even up to a year ago, maybe longer. It's amazing. She knows who we see where, she knows Dan works at the hardware store and is disappointed when he's not there (he has Sat, Sun and Mon off). She loves going to the playground and especially enjoys it when there are other children there.
She's a Daddy's girl through and through. She is sitting right now singing her made up song about Daddy "I love my Daddy, he is fun. I went to the playground with my Daddy.......and Mommy".
My little E is an excellent big sister and is over the top thrilled that she can ask baby brother for hugs and he'll give them to her. It's like she's discovered a new trick, that rewards her greatly. She complains when he says no.
She says the funniest things, I'll share some from the last year.
~ you can pee on a tiny tree, because it's like a toilet
~When Daddy was out of town for a few days we were in the car on our way home from somewhere and she said "I'm missing something", I said "what are you missing? Your ball? drink? snack?" thinking she dropped something on the floor of the car. She replied "I'm missing my Daddy"
~ This is a conversation we had:
E: where are we going?
me: out in service
E: can I stay home?
me: by yourself? (she is scared to go upstairs by herself)
E: ummm can baby and I stay home?
~ In the car on the way home from the library E suddenly said "I'm sorry, don't look back here" she had spilled her cereal
~ dadda is the bestest big guy
~ Me: not until baby wakes up
E: but I know how to wake babies up
~ the secret is not to panic
~me: you're driving me nuts
E: we don't say that, mom
me: well I do, you're driving me nuts
E: we drive cars, not nuts
3 min later E: you're driving me crazy, Mom
me: you're driving me up the wall
E: hahahaha (fake laugh) you're sooo funny, mom
~me: do you want some marshmallows?
E: no, you eat marshmallows outside with a stick
(we've never roasted marshmallows with her)
~ I miss dada, my heart is super sad
~I love stars, big boy Jehovah made the stars (for the record, I've never referred to him as "big boy")
~ E to me after Mr N hurt me: accidents happen, I got hurt when I was a kid
~ I wanna watch Kripple the dog
~ me: I'm going to put Mr N down for a nap
E: just be nice to him, nice people don't put Mr N down for a nap
~ don't make a mess in my play room, daddy. that's unnecessary
~ Daddy to E: Do you know where milk comes from?
E: yeah, from cow's butt (using cow tail to pretend fill her cup with milk)
E: we don't drink butt milk, though
~ E to Mr N: go get it, boy
E to me: I don't think he's a real dog at all
~E: I want to hold the baby
me: (hands her Mr N)
E: ohhhhh it's too heavy
(Mr N was 18 months at the time, and they've been the same weight since he was around 1 y/o)
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