Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kindness & Randomness

It brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye when one of my friends or a member of my family posts, emails, texts or calls me about something pertaining Autism. It is truly touching to know that so many people care and take the time to let me know what they've read.

Last night as I was laying in bed I started thinking about how my littles are so incredible. I am so truly blessed to have been entrusted with their care, I can't imagine two better children to have in my life.

Yesterday E and I made sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. She loves baking and helping me cook, as does Mr N. We spent the last few days eating cookies, playing Candy Land and watching movies.

Today we went for a little drive just to get out of the house and see if there was any snow up high. There wasn't any at 5000 ft, but we did see some at the higher elevations. Hopefully soon there will be a beautiful blanket of snow down lower.

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