Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Peer play

One of the things that needs to be done before Mr N's exit evaluation for Early Start, is a peer play date. They need to observe Mr N playing with a non-sibling peer, we had one scheduled for last week but we were sick all week promting us to cancel. I tried to get one scheduled for today but no one was available.  Next Tuesday will hopefully work out for everyone. Then Wednesday I have a meeting with the school regarding something I don't recall (and I'm too lazy to look at the calendar), Friday the kids have well child checks followed by Mr N's IEP at the school.

Next week is shaping up to be a very busy week which will complement this busy week nicely.

Mr N did really well doing some imaginative play during therapy today, he has recently become attached to a little teddy bear that he calls "baby". He laid it down for a nap in the dollhouse and gave it a pacifier. It was pretty cute.

Mr N's eating has progressed, he is eating more variety and larger portions, so I'm relieved to see that progress.  On Saturday, the hungry hungry hippo ate 7 hotdogs,  just to show Daddy how real men eat.

Both kids are curled up on the couch with me, E is napping and Mr N is watching a movie. They both needed some Mommy time since I spent most of the day painting the kitchen and the bathroom. Mommy needs some cuddles, too. They make my day better.

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