Friday, March 1, 2013

Another day another poop

Mr N has done amazing with his potty training. He has an occasional accident, but not many. He hasn't had any nighttime accidents, and so far none in the car. I've been blown away by his progress, anytime we started to potty train before he would have several accidents a day and it would be a matter of hours before he was back in a diaper. I guess he knew he was ready when he took that diaper off a few weeks ago.  He has come so far in the last few weeks, he now will go potty, wipe and flush without letting me know.

Enough about potty training, I'm guessing not everyone wants to read about peeing and pooping.

I've tried without success to get Mr N to say his ABCs, they are not as easy as counting to ten. We have tried watching LeapFrog Amazing Alphabet, Baby Einstein, we've tried saying them, doing the alphabet LeapFrog magnets on the fridge, but have gotten nowhere. Yesterday we were picking up toys, when we got to the blocks with the alphabet on them, I had Mr N put them away. I handed them to him one at a time starting with A. I got him to say several letters before he tired of it. But successful it was, I will attempt it again and again until we have success.

We still do not have a nailed down date for the IEP, the school called Wednesday to see if we could do it yesterday, but both kids are sick so we have a tentative date on the calendar for next week, but he is checking with the other invitees to see if it works for them. More waiting, more delay.

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