Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dentist Day

Today was the dreaded day at the dentist. Well the kids didn't dread it, E was excited about going and Mr N didn't seem to mind much.....until we got there. He actually did pretty good until sissy went back and started having her X-rays done. Then he opted to go into full meltdown mode, no number of TVs, toys, balloons or nice people were going to get in his way.

E did great with her X-rays, cleaning and exam, she doesn't have any cavities, which is a relief.Mr N only got an exam while sitting on my lap, but at least the dentist got to look at all of his teeth and said everything looked good. After they finished up Mr Ns exam I Headed outside with him while our friend Jessica stayed with E to have her exam done. He didn't want back in the car, so we stood outside and hugged for a bit. I fought back tears windering if I'd ever be able to understand what bothered my precious son so much. Will he ever be able to express his fears and worries? Will I always be near tears as we leave any kind of appointment for him? A simple dentist appointment should not be so emotionally exhausting.

Hopefully we can find another great dentist when we move and Mr N will eventually get used to him and make things easier down the road. I hope I'm not expecting too much. I'm so optimistic that speech therapy will enable Mr N to verbalized his fear and enable us To better calm and help him.

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