Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moving forward

We finally did the IEP for Mr N last Thursday. The plan in place is 5 hours a day 5 days a week in a secluded room at the preschool with one on one time with Mr N and an aide, 30 minutes of speech therapy once a week and 30 minutes of OT once a week. This isn't exactly what we were looking for, we feel that Mr N would benefit more from being around his peers on a daily basis. But we anticipated them not being able to provide us with what Mr N truly needed and have been looking at areas to relocate, in order to get Mr N superior services and find a school that we feel comfortable sending our children.

Finally, we have determined the best location based on our needs, getting Mr N the services he needs, having a support system, decent schools for both E and Mr N, plenty of recreational activities we enjoy and closer to all of our family. We found out Thursday that Daddy was approved to work from home so that we could move. We are beyond ecstatic, so happy that Mr N will finally progress and grow into the amazing little man that we know he can be. We will be moving in three short weeks to wonderful Wyoming and we couldn't be happier.

I've already contacted the development center in Sheridan to expedite the process and get Mr N services upon our arrival, they've been very friendly and happy to help us get the process started. I've been amazed at how willing they have been to start the paperwork. It's been a completely different experience from working with the school district and regional center here. I'm optimistic that it will continue to be a positive experience.

Leaving behind our beautiful mountains, rivers, and waterfalls will indeed be a sacrifice. It's hard to imagine not living in the pines, mere miles from a national park, national forest and hiking trails. However, our little man's future is dependent upon him getting help now and his progress. As a parent, there is no sacrifice I'm not willing to make to ensure my child has a healthy, happy future.

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