Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Last night E face planted off the arm of the sofa onto the floor. I held her while she cried, Mr N came over and asked "wha happen?" I told him E got an owie, he climbed up next to us and stroked her head over and over saying "okay" (it's okay) and "alright" (it's alright). Mommy got a little teary at this exchange of compassion for his sister.

Therapy started off poorly today. We started by attempting to dress him, that did not end well. The first hour of therapy involved mostly Mr N cuddling Mommy while Katy attempted to get him to engage or even acknowledge her, to not avail. Finally, he decided to get to playing with Katy and did well the rest of the day.

Soon after Katy left we began Operation Nap Time, it began with Mr N taking a nap while Mommy tried to get stuff done, but quickly the sleepies took over and Mommy joined the napping game.

I think my brain hasn't woken up all the way yet, so we'll keep this post short and sweet.

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