I wish it was Sunday....
I always hope that Saturday will skip ahead and come right after Sunday, just once. But alas, it is Monday and Sunday was not our fun day. We spent Sunday just doing little projects around the house in preparation for the Grandparents coming next weekend. We had two projects on the list for Sunday, to hang the mirror in the guest bathroom and to make the hot/cold water actually supply hot/cold water rather than it be a surprise. Daddy got the water dilemma fixed, then got side tracked and did not hang the mirror. Mirrors are overrated anyway, just trust me when I say you look fabulous!
Sunday may not have been a play day, but Saturday sure was! We decided to take advantage of our gorgeous weather and headed up to high country. We hiked into Lake Eleanor then enjoyed the beauty and silence of the pristine wilderness. There is no vehicular access to the lake so there aren't a lot of visitors. We had no intentions of letting the kids play in the lake, by no intentions I mean we clearly didn't think ahead with any common sense. As soon as we got to the lake the kids shed their shoes and we told them not to get their pants wet, before they even got close to the water we removed their pants and told them not to get their shirts wet. As you can imagine, they were happily playing in the water within minutes.
It was a wonderful, relaxing day with the family, it couldn't have been better spent.
Today Mr N woke up in a wonderful mood, all smiles and full of cuddles. My favorite way to start the day. E slept until almost 9:00 and didn't wake up in such a good mood. She insisted that Mommy get her out of bed and carry her to breakfast, which I did. Katy and the coordinator arrived while E was still in her PJs and eating breakfast. E finished eating while Katy & I blew bubbles with Mr N. Once E finished eating I left Mr N outside with Katy while I got E dressed, hair and teeth brushed.
E and I joined Mr N and Katy outside for a while before we headed in for some puzzles. Mr N only lasted about 45 minutes before he seemed tuckered out and ready for some cuddling. He took a break then got back involved with some painting and dancing. He stayed engaged for another hour or so before he needed another break. He seemed to tire down very easily today, he even fell asleep at 11:00 and slept for a little over an hour until I made him get up for lunch. After lunch he remained crabby for quite a while.
I don't know if Mr N's crankiness is just random or if it's because it's Monday, or if it's because it's Monday and the coordinator was here. But the crankiness has lasted most of the day, he's not tantruming and crying like he was during therapy, but he's just being unpleasant and short tempered.
E and Mr N have argued over pretty much everything all afternoon. I'm really hoping tomorrow goes much better.
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