Monday, September 17, 2012


Can I just say how proud I am of my little man? What an amazing little dude I've been blessed with in my life. He amazes me day after day with his progress, his new words, his ability to learn new things.

After a very busy weekend I was anxious to see how Mr N would do with therapy this morning. When Katy arrived Mr N was pretty intent on cuddling with a blanket on the sofa. It didn't take very long for Mr N to get involved and start playing. He did some great work the play doh rolling it with the rolling pin, pushing his thumbs into it and patting it flat with the palms of his hands. Mr N also engaged in some sensory seeking behavior, he took the big bears and would pull them on top of him and just lay there under the weight of them. Once he came to find me, gave me a hug, then ran back to the play room.

He is very much responding well to Katy and staying engaged during the entire 4 hours of therapy. It's great seeing him do so much. Today he pointed and said "look" to Katy to get her attention, it's a new word. New words during therapy is like bacon on a cupcake.

We've started eating lunch during therapy since it goes until 1:00p. Today the kids had Ramen noodles, crackers and a banana. Mr N ate all of his noodles and most of E's noodles. I was pretty excited to see him eat so much!

After therapy ended Mr N headed to bed for a much needed nap, it was a nice long nap while E begged to go to the market as soon as he woke up. This resulted in E saying "he's awake" every time he stirred a bit. Once he finally woke up we ran to the market for apples and muffins. The market stopped carrying the muffins E likes so we made our own muffins out of banana bread batter with some mini chocolate chips added. E thinks they are the best thing ever, she even saved 4 of them for Daddy.

At one point during Mr N's nap he woke up and needed cuddled to which I gladly obliged. As I laid there holding him looking at his perfect face, touching his perfect toes, loving my perfect little man, I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to have the precious child in my life.

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