Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Singing & Dancing

"I am here and you are here and we are all together,
I am here and you are here and we're gonna have some fun.
I'm going to clap my hands....."

Such a fun song that the kids love so much. Mr N's therapist has been doing this song with him and so last night I sang it for the kids and Mr N immediately started dancing around. E loves the song, too and does the actions pretty well.

Last night as we were relaxing Daddy asked what sounds Mr N worked on that day so that he could work with Mr N. I love that he wants to be involved so much and that even after a long day at work he's not too busy or too tired to work with Mr N. Daddy did coyote howls with the kids, which is just precious. Mr N's "uh oooooo" is adorable.

Towards the end of therapy Mr N curled up on the big bears and took a nap. I'm pretty sure there is nothing cuter.

I must go play and dance with the kids. I will try to update today after therapy.

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