Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A little brag

Mr N's speech has been progressing daily, it's such an astonishing thing to see. He strung several words together today and now I'm kicking myself for not writing it down or blogging it when it happened.

He did a couple of other pretty awesome things today. The first, he had finished eating a Popsicle outside and gone back inside. But before long he came outside and said "help up". I followed him in, he climbed up on the new stool Grandma made for Mommy and wanted to wash his hands at the sink. It's the first stool that he can actually reach the faucet, so I'm pretty excited to help teach him that part of washing his hands. Anyhow, he put his hands under the water, held his hand out for soap, rubbed his hands together, then rinsed them. When he was done he dried his hands and said "done". Washing hands has been a "self help" skill that they want to see mastered in therapy. We've been working on it, but it typically requires a few prompts to get it accomplished, today was the first time he asked to wash his hands.

The second thing I need to brag about is his mad puzzle skills, we all know he can do puzzles even the 26 piece alphabet puzzle. Today we set up the train set along with the farm set, we also pulled farm and train pieces from 3 different puzzles to fancy up the farm. When we went to put it away, I took all three puzzle boards and handed Mr N the pieces to all 3 puzzles, 2 of them are farm puzzles, 1 is a train puzzle. While he was working on that I picked up the train set & pieces which also includes a cow and a horse, and I put away the farm. He quickly put all the pieces where they went and helped me put the farm pieces in the correct bin along with the putting the farm pieces in the correct bin. I was quite impressed. They are all Melissa & Doug sets so a lot of the horses, cows, barns, sheep, etc look very similar but he sorted it all out without any trouble.

I'm so proud of my baby boy.

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