Monday, July 16, 2012


Yesterday we spent most of the day just relaxing while Daddy caught up on some work, then did a little texturing in E's room. Her room is officially ready to be primed and painted, she'll be so happy when her room is done.

Today was our first day back to our normal routine. Mommy worked on refashioning a dress she bought then never wore. Mr N fell asleep a little after 1:00 and was asleep when his therapist arrived and slept for quite a while. He woke up rough, but finally got calmed down but didn't want to be away from Mommy for most of therapy. He finally started engaging with his therapist working on puzzles, coloring, and some music. One of the songs they listened to was about pizza. It must have made them hungry because E asked me to make her pizza, so I used some crescent rolls for a crust and got to work. Mr N oddly wanted a hotdog, but I'm not complaining, at least he wanted to eat.

It didn't seem like Mr N spent much time doing actual therapy today, he was very clingy and withdrawn. But he did say a plethora of words including pizza, mine, mama, balloon, bubbles, ball and milk.

E is apparently catching up from being sick, she has eaten nonstop for the last few days. Today she ate a bowl of cereal, peanut butter toast, a slice of cheese, a granola bar, more cereal, strawberries, pizza, more cheese, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things.

The kids are currently running circles around the stuffed animal bin, as they were going by I said "high five", they each gave me high five a few times as they went by, then we did fist bumps, touch head, nose, mouth, ear and eye. This is the first time I've gotten Mr N to do ear and eye, so I was pretty happy. He seems to be able to add parts if he's on a roll, he knows them, he just hadn't done them before. Proud mama here!

Lately Mr N has been saying "mama" a lot. It's pretty cute, I'm so glad that it's a regular part of his vocabulary and not just an occasional word. He's also been stringing together 2 or more words more easily.

He just told on his sister, she was putting her feet up on his bin and he said "mama, get her" and pointed at her. While I typically discourage tattling, it was refreshing to see him being a typical toddler.

Much to my dismay, Mr N is in the beginning stages of potty training. I reckon I ought to be happy that he's initiating but I really had hoped to delay this until he was closer to three years old. Potty training is not my most favorite thing in the world. He's not sitting on the potty much yet, but as soon as he pees or poops he tells us and gets a clean diaper. He also will go pee around the side of the house if we are outside in swimming gear. My requirements for beginning potty training are staying dry through the night and indicating that he knows he needs to pee. He's doing both, so I guess it's time.

I failed to mention the souvenirs that Daddy brought home for the family. E received a unicorn which is awesomesauce, just ask her. Mr N received a baby cow to go along with his bigger cow, he loves it. After E realized that Mr N had a "mommy" and "baby" cow, she declared she needed a "baby" unicorn. We dug through her other 839472895738 stuffed animals and pulled out a pink horse that her Aunt Cindy had given her when she was around 9 months old. The pink one is now the "mommy" and her new white one is the "baby".

My request for a souvenir was a coffee mug, I like my coffee and thought having an awesome Sweden mug would rock my socks off. Only Daddy couldn't find any mugs, only tea cups which clearly wouldn't fit the bill, so he opted for something entirely different. In order to preserve my image, I'll forego sharing my gift.

As most of you know, our anniversary was the day before the kids and I left for Colorado. We had previously agreed that our new inflatable boat and recent camping gear purchases would be our anniversary gift since we enjoy them so much and have extended our budget drastically to include these new toys. However, I still wanted to get my honey something but had a hard time thinking of something relatively inexpensive and full of awesome.

Daddy, on the other hand, did not fail and surprised me with a beautiful card (which made me cry) and....wait for it.....still moment more.....okay he got me a remote for my camera. He loves me. I cried some more.

On my twenty hour drive home from Colorado I finally figured out the perfect gift for my perfect man and managed to pick it up on Friday before he left for Sweden. I got him a metal spinning target with three targets on it and a package of paper targets. He was quite happy and I can't wait to try them out, uh I mean for him to try them out.

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