Saturday, July 7, 2012


As if getting back into the swing of things after being away from home for a week isn't difficult enough, being sick and having a sick kiddo really threw me off. E is finally better today after being sick since Wednesday afternoon. Three days of puking and losing 2.3 pounds has frazzled Mommy. As parents, we always think "if only I could take this pain for them" and even when my kids are sick, I have that wish, despite my hatred of puking. My little E is so tiny, so fragile, I worry to no end when she is sick, not only does she lose weight but it seems like an eternity before she gains it back. She was "blessed" with her Daddy's metabolism, it seems, and Mommy was pretty tiny as a tot, too. She has always been below the 1st percentile in weight, but at least has stayed on the same growth curve. She is finally eating better today and hasn't thrown up in 24 hours so I think we're all clear.

Today I started working on stripping and sanding one of the bed frames we got for the kids. We had to run to the hardware store for stripper and our friend Dan was working, I told the kids to say hi to Dan and I was shocked to hear Mr N actually say "Hi Dan!". Usually a "hi" is all he says, but he said "Dan". I was pretty excited, it's not like we work with him to say "dan" like we do to get him to say "mommy, daddy, sissy, love you, milk, cat, dog, outside, etc" It was a a new word on the fly.

The bed frame is going pretty quickly, I probably should have started when it was cooler out. I had to take a break every few minutes and cool off in the kiddie pool. I also finished a frame that I bought at an estate sale, it looks pretty awesome. Now I just need to buy a mirror to fit it. It might just be perfect for the downstairs bathroom, or the guest house bathroom. Daddy will be happy that it actually has an intended purpose.

The kids are excitedly waiting for Grandma to arrive on Monday, Mr N is even saying Grandma. That ought to melt her heart. Of course, E asks several times a day if it is Monday yet, as she is a big fan of Grandma and can't wait for Playfest 2012 to begin. Once the "is it Monday yet?" begins we sing the days of the week song so E can better understand how many days before the visit.

I had planned to take the kids to the movie in the park tonight but it was cancelled on account of the local fireworks display. So instead we're watching a movie and having popcorn at home, the kids are bathed and in their jammies, clothes for meeting tomorrow are ironed and laid out. It'll be nice to see our friends tomorrow that we haven't seen in a couple of weeks since we were gone. I'm hoping since Mr N did so good at the convention that the meeting will be a breeze.

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