Sunday, December 2, 2012

Well Child Check

Friday morning we got up early and headed to Modesto for both kids' well child checks. Walking into the building initiated operation meltdown mode for Mr N, it was quite expected for us and quite shocking to the staff. I think next visit I will over ensure that everyone is aware of his diagnosis and his extreme displeasure with their office. He hates the doctor's office.

Mr N is in the 75th percentile for weight and height, E is in the 50th percentile for height and almost to the 10th percentile for weight. Both are looking good. Mr N was supposed to have a blood draw to check his iron levels and to check on his thyroid levels, but the lab lady wasn't in so we will be heading back down next week.

I've been really working on trying to get Mr N to enunciate better, his words all are pretty flat and not well enunciated. Tonight I said "I love you" and over pronounced it to see if I could get him to say it better. He said "you" very clearly, said "love" slightly better than usual and said "I" much better, too. It is progress. Sometimes it works sometimes he doesn't care.

We have had rain for the last several days, so we haven't done a whole lot. We rented some movies and played some CandyLand. Mr N enjoyed dancing to some of the songs on Barbie Princess and the Popstar, I joined him. E was not impressed by our dancing, she assured me that princesses do not dance that way. She is not wrong.

Mr N has really started enjoying his swing, he likes to spin in it and will do so for several minutes. He then enjoys trying to see how far he can walk without falling over once he gets out while still dizzy. His jumping on the trampoline has vastly improved, he no longer has one stiff leg when he jumps.

Today E was being cranky with her brother (well, really she was being a pill most of the morning into early afternoon) and accused him of thinking he was a girl, I told her maybe he is a girl and she is a boy. She kindly pointed out that was impossible because she likes hearts and flowers, which obviously are the only indicators of gender.

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