Thursday, May 31, 2012

Waking Up

Today Mr N woke up from his nap after his therapist had been here for a while. He looked right at her and said "hi", he was very happy to see her and eager to get started. He went right into the play room to get started.

He doesn't always have such a great wake up period after napping, often times it takes lots of cuddles and crying before he's calmed down. Mr N did some painting in therapy and putting puzzles together.

Since he slept through part of therapy he was not ready for his therapist to leave when it was time for her to go. But he did wave and say "bye bye" three times.

While Mr N napped his therapist and I talked a little about how much life changes when you have a child with special needs. It's so much our normal now that I have a hard time imagining life with two normal functioning kiddos. When I see parents doing things with kids Mr N's age and the way they react vs the way Mr N reacts, I think, "oh, right, Mr N would be doing that right now". When I talk to my SIL of my 20 month old niece I still can't believe how well and how much she talks, she's 10 months younger than Mr N. She probably has met more milestones than Mr N in speech, behavior, social skills, possibly even fine and gross motor skills.

Randomness to follow.....

Something Bethie said today made me think about the special people I have in my life. My husband is so special to me, he's so remarkable, everyone who knows him loves him. I feel so grateful that I have the privilege of sharing my life with him. I'm sure every parent thinks their child is so precious, special, and amazing; my husband's parents must be very proud of their son. I'm so honored to have the opportunity to know him, and thankful his family shares him with me.

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