Thursday, May 10, 2012


I decided I would keep track of how many words Mr N says today. We kept track of all of his words for a month before his speech evaluation, he had 14. "I got it" & "I did it" only count as one word because he was using them as one word, he didn't use any of the words independently.

~ I got it
~ dad
~ more
~ hot
~ I did it
~ up
~ jump
~ hi
~ no
~ stop
~ help
~ thank you
~ welcome
~ sorry

Today by the time he'd been awake an hour he'd already said 10 words, 2 of them were new words that he's never said before. Here is today's list:

~ cat
~ teeth (new word)
~ good boy
~ no more
~ nose
~ head
~ mouth (new word)
~ eye
~ milk
~ hi
~ what's that
~ bye
~ house (new word)
~ bug (new word)
~ down
~ hug (new word)
~ help
~ diaper
~ oops
~ inside
~ dad
~ who
~ eat

While in the bath this morning we did touch nose & touch head, he does so well with them, I decided I would add another part into the mix and did "touch mouth". He touched mouth and said mouth several times and added it in with touch head & touch nose. 

The kids were eating breakfast and watching Shaun the Sheep, it's one of the few times during the day that they have time to watch TV anymore. I looked in and Mr N was picking marshmallows out of his Lucky Charms and putting them in E's mouth. She LOVES the marshmallows.

While the therapist was here today we were having some outside time and E said she wanted brother to hug her, typically she tries to hug him and he pushes her away. I told her to ask him for a hug, she did. He gave her a hug. My heart melted, seeing sibling love is so precious, seeing him respond to her was beautiful. She asked several more times and got more hugs. After a while, he would just put his arm around her waist and walk around with her. He even said "hug" when he wanted a hug from her. My little man is growing and blossoming.

Just to reiterate, he had 5 new words today. FIVE. Five new words in one day, he said 23 words today. It took a full month to get 14 words out of him before the evaluation. Progress.

Completely off topic, but I have the most amazing husband in the world. He stopped for milk on his way home and random other things, he got me Hot Tamales, they are my addiction. Then he came home and immediately helped me finish driving in the fence posts for my garden. He let me blog using his laptop while he finished driving the posts, my last 2 laptops no longer work as laptops, the wifi doesn't work on one of them, and the battery won't charge on the other. *sigh* We do not have a fence post driver so this was no easy task, I spent many hours today with a sledge hammer driving in fence posts that are a foot taller than me. My arms are so sore, my hand is hurty and I have a blister.

And finally a laugh at me moment....I was dragging the kids playground up the hill (not sure why I decided it should have been down the hill to begin with) and just as I got to the top both feet slipped out from under me and since I was dragging the playground behind me as I was walking forward, I fell flat on my face. ouch

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